how to make a frowning face with alt code

Fashion & Style - How To Information |.
how to make a frowning face with alt code
How to make ALL of the FB emoticons.How to Make Keyboard Symbols Using the.
Internet - How To Information | How to make ALL of the FB emoticons.
how to make a frowning face with alt code
How to Type Symbols Using the ALT Key. The ALT key can help you access alt codes, or characters that aren't readily available on a normal keyboard. These codes can be
Fashion & Style: Looking a new hair style or wondering what to wear for date night? eHow has trusted style advice and how to info on fashion. Find essential tips on
25.11.2008 · Best Answer: [ ☹ ] frowning face [number: & #9785; ☺ White smiling face Alt + 1 Alt + 9786 263A & #9786; lol hahaha

How to Type Symbols Using the ALT Key.
List and instructions for Alt Key and HTML symbols, including copyright, French accents, hearts, bullets and more.
How do I make smiley faces and hearts.
How to make ALL of the FB emoticons. 93,877 likes · 268 talking about this.
How do you make a sad face symbol on.
Internet: For Internet related questions, from searching for popular Web sites to pondering Web design and development questions, eHow's online expertise runs the
21.08.2008 · Best Answer: Press the alt key and hold then press 3 on the numeral pad (right side of the keyboard) then release both keys ♥♥♥. Use the alt key and
Smiley faces symbol alt codes, learn how to make a cute smiley face symbol character with letter and number.
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