urobilinogen, ua <2

Analysis of Urobilinogen and Urine.
urobilinogen /uro·bi·lino·gen/ (-bi-lin´o-jen) a colorless compound formed in the intestines by reduction of bilirubin. u·ro·bi·lin·o·gen (y r-b-l n-j n, -j n)
Lab test results URNIALYSIS? - Yahoo!.
urobilinogen, ua <2
urobilinogen, ua <2
urobilinogen - definition of urobilinogen.การตรวจปัสสาวะ
Julie Gorchynski, MD, MSc, * Kevin Dean, MD, † and Craig L. Anderson, PhD, MPH ‡ *
Urobilinogen Test Principle, Evaluation, Diagnostic . This test is an indicator for liver diseases. In combination with Bilirubin it helps to differentiate between
urobilinogen ( yurbiljn ) ( biochemistry ) A chromogen, formed in feces and present in urine, from which urobilin is for
Urobilinogen - MACHEREY-NAGEL Homepage
Jodi Asked: Urobilinogen level of 2mg/dl in urine results, normal, abnormal,what does this mean? Had a UA dipstick to test urine for protein,ketones, etc.
Bilirubin Im Urin
Urobilinogen: Definition from Answers.com